He says there is no doubt that Cabinet Vision has transformed the company in the short time they have been using it. “We had to create a program on the point-to-point so it would go round the parts and square them.” Which was something the beam saw could not always produce, as he says the components would often move off-square. “It’s absolutely vital that every component is cut to an accurate, perfect shape with all holes in the right place.” “But using Cabinet Vision, if a unit needs to be a metre high, instead of 720 or 900 mm we can do it by simply editing an existing cabinet in our library.” Working mainly with 2.8 x 2.1 metre boards of MDF and chipboard a typical nest comprises between 15 and 20 panels. If someone wanted units of a different size it was very time consuming. “If we were using the beam saw to make a number of kitchens with units of 720 mm high by 300 deep, they would then go on to point-to-point for standard drilling for shelf holes and locations for the hinges…after which, the fabricator assembled the units. Producing something ‘off-standard’ was difficult in their pre-Cabinet Vision days. Because of Cabinet Vision’s parametric capabilities, everything changes in proportion, ensuring we get a perfect assembly that will fit together on site, and it means we can change things like going from a cheaper hinge to a dearer hinge, immediately, at the click of a button.” “We just scroll down to whichever dialog we want and open it to edit the cabinet. And for manufacturing four different styles of kitchen – Painted, In-Frames, Contemporary and Shaker – they use four different production processes with different hardware. These include Briarconnect, face frame, groove back, inframe, onefix, robes, standard, and standard dowel. The company incorporated a number of the different construction methods they use, into a drop-down menu in Cabinet Vision. A lot of them went abroad during the difficult economic times of a few years ago, and haven’t returned to Ireland.”

“Skilled people just aren’t out there anymore. He says the fact that Cabinet Vision does what skilled workers used to, is not simply a question of them setting out to save money. Now, in the first six months of 2016, the business-to-business side of the company turned over almost 2m-Euro.” “A couple of years ago we were barely turning over 500,000-Euro a year. For example, a recent four week 500,000-Euro job for a developer in Limerick, saw €145,000 worth of furniture leaving the factory each week, with only two fully-qualified cabinet makers and eight semi-skilled workers involved with the manufacture. He says Cabinet Vision has been instrumental in expanding their trade operation, particularly repeat business from housing developers.
Initially installing Cabinet Vision Solid Essential, the company – based in County Wicklow, in the Irish Republic – quickly upgraded to Solid Ultimate, along with the Screen-To-Machine Ultimate module for sending accurate NC code to their two Homag Weeke nesting machine tools a DHP 210 with 9 x 7 bed, and BHP 200 with 9 x 5 bed. “Cabinet Vision has been vital in increasing our piece part activity, which is the only way to increase margins, as the jobs we’re getting are being cut to the bone all the time.”
“Without Cabinet Vision we might as well be using a hatchet.” Those are the words of Fitzgerald Kitchens Managing Director Eamonn Fitzgerald, who invested in the specialist woodwork CAD/CAM software in 2015, and says it was only when he started using it that he realised how indispensable it really is.